Frequently asked questions

Why would I recruit a remote developer

Local recruitment in top cities takes several weeks, with high salaries and a limited pool of candidates. With remote, you can instantly access a world of opportunities with very competitive prices, while building a more diverse and productive team.

What happens if it does not work out with the dev

While our process significantly reduces the risk, mismatches can still happen. That's why we commit to charge you back (up to 14 days for freelance; up to 90 days for full-time) and help you find another candidate.

Which country do the software engineers come from ?

We are working with engineers from  60+ countries around the globe. They have all been individually picked for their exceptional technical skills, communication and personality.

How is Talrock different from any other marketplace

We offer best of both worlds : Long-term or freelance hiring with both very competitive prices and AAA developers. Plus, we also commit to share 5% of our revenues to promote diversity and free education in the world through the JAAGO foundation.

How is the recruitment process handled ?

For freelance contracts, our company sends a monthly bill and offer working facilities (co-working, laptop, transport).
For hiring contracts, we connect you with Workmotion so you can directly hire the candidate, from anywhere, with full local compliance, hassle-free. Plus, you get a 20% discount on the monthly price.

I have more questions, can I talk to someone?

David, our talent manager will be very happy to assist you for any enquiry. If you're in Paris, feel free to come visit us in our office. Coffee in us ☕️

Have more questions?

Contact us here so we can help.